Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Cognitive Science & Irruption Theory
School of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Randomness, determinism, computation, & free will.
Penn Integrates Knowledge,
School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
Computational Neuroscience & Lerning
School of Philosophy and Literature - UNAM
Aesthetics of Computing
School of Science - UNAM
Gender & gender breaches in STEM careers
School of Science - UNAM
Biocomputing, autocatalytic sets & the origin of life
User Experience Design Realities
Institute of Biology / Institute for Philosophical Research - UNAM
Artificial Emotional Systems
School of Philosophy and Literature - UNAM
Artificial Emotional Systems
School of Science - UNAM
Formal Verification
School of Science - UNAM
Computational Genomics
School of Philosophy and Literature - UNAM
Artificial Consciousness & Bioethics
School of Science - UNAM
Approximations to the Halting Problem
School of Philosophy and Literature - UNAM
AI & phenomenic consciousness
School of Science - UNAM
Programming Languages
Data Analysis
Utrecht University
Super-Turing Computation in Nested Time Curves
National Polytechnic Institute
Social Studies of AI
Acorn Biolabs
Life Extension
University College London
Category Theory & Computing
School of Philosophy and Literature - UNAM
Revelation & the Hard Problem of Consciousness
School of Philosophy and Literature - UNAM
AI & Normative Regulation
Institute of Biology - UNAM
Artificial Emotional Systems
School of Science - UNAM
(M,R)-Systems and the uncomputability of life
(M,R)-Systems and the uncomputability of life
School of Science - UNAM
School of Science - UNAM
School of Science - UNAM
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